What is my bun trying to say?

What is my bun trying to say?

Ever wonder if your bunny’s flipping you off? Here is a brilliant video that I stumbled across. It explains every way in which your rabbit communicates how he’s feeling. After watching it I think you’ll feel a bit like a bunny mind-reader (like I do). 

How to bond your buns

How to bond your buns

By Lyn Holm – Anyone who has tried to bond two or more bunnies will know that it is not as easy as it should be. “Why can’t they just get along!?” is a common cry. “I’ve tried a car ride. Why didn’t it work!?” 

Adopt a bunny

Adopt a bunny

Bunny Huggers South Africa has a network of foster moms providing safe homes for neglected and abandoned buns.  Unfortunately there are many more buns than bun owners.  This is due to pet shops and backyard breeders breeding bunnies in often terrible conditions. Does can be 

Bunny Vets | South Africa

Bunny Vets | South Africa

IMPORTANT NOTE Bunnies are classed as exotic animals in veterinary terms, which means treating them requires specialized training.  Veterinarians who have trained and worked only in South Africa are unlikely to have extensive experience in the treatment of bunnies. Our vet list is always a