When Does My Bunny Need a Vet?
It’s natural for prey animals to hide illness or pain so by the time you realize your bunny is sick, it may be almost too late – DO NOT WAIT, take immediate action!
Symptoms often include one or more of the following:
Loud teeth grinding,
Pressing tummy against the floor in a way that looks uncomfortable,
Bloated tummy,
Not eating, refusing treats or favourite foods,
Not drinking,
Acting lethargic,
Any sudden, odd behaviour that’s out of character (antisocial/aggressive)
Nothing gets a bun-mom as excited as her bun’s first poop after illness or surgery. Your bun’s poop is the best way to monitor his health.
Bunnies have 2 types of stools – the normal round ones that they drop any- and everywhere, and caecotrophes (grapelike, squishy poo that they eat from their bum). Both are normal and it is important to know what they should look like. Caecotrophes are rarely seen (because your bun eats them), but when they are left behind or they are leaving marks on the floor, you may need to adjust bunny’s food.
Caecotrophes are often mistaken for diarrhea but real diarrhea is very rare in bunnies. It can be fatal. Healthy, normal droppings should be: not too hard, not too soft, not too dark (darkness indicates lack of fiber/hay), not too small and perfect round/egg shaped, also not stringed together with hair. Poops that are stringed together indicates that you need to groom your rabbit more frequently to prevent excess hair from being digested.
Caecotrophes (first 2 images above)
This is what normal, helathy caecotrophes look like – yes, they need to eat these straight from their bum for nutrients. Normally you barely see them, but if you do…don’t freak out. If your bun leaves excess caecotrophes behind, it could mean he is eating food that is too rich, or is getting overweight and can’t reach to eat them. This is fine in the short term but if prolonged, your bunny will lose out on vital nutrients.
Caecals (third image above)
These should be plentiful, large, perfectly round balls (or slightly egg-shaped if really large). They should consist mainly of damp/dry hay/grass particles and shouldn’t contain a lot of fur. They should be soft enough to squash easily between your fingers.
Stringy poop (first image above)
You need to help your bun digest less hair by grooming him more. Dampen your hands and slide gently over your bun’s body while collecting loose hair. Rubber kitchen gloves also work like a charm. Poops that look like this can send your bun into GI stasis if not attended to.
Small/hard/sticky poop (second image above)
Dark, sticky poops indicate a lack of fibre. Feed more hay and cut down on other foods. Poops that are small and hard are a warning sign that your bunny’s digestion is not working well enough and that your bunny is at risk of GI stasis. Call the vet immediately and bring a poop sample with you.
DISCLAIMER: The advice given above is not meant to replace proper vet care. We are not medical professionals – we have compiled this list of guidelines to keep your rabbit comfortable and as pain free as possible until you are able to visit a proper bunny-savvy vet.
Click here to view our Bunny-Savvy Vet List
Photo (top): Iván C. Fajardo / Unsplash