Author: admin

When Does My Bunny Need a Vet?

When Does My Bunny Need a Vet?

It’s natural for prey animals to hide illness or pain so by the time you realize your bunny is sick, it may be almost too late – DO NOT WAIT, take immediate action! Symptoms often include one or more of the following: – SIGNS OF 

What to Feed Your Bunny

What to Feed Your Bunny

A healthy adult bunny’s diet should consist of unlimited hay and grass, also safe veggies/greens, non-muesli pellets and occasional fruit/treats.  This diet will maintain healthy teeth and a healthy digestive system. — BASIC DIET  Hay Give each bunny a clump of fresh hay the size 

Neuter/Spay Guide

Neuter/Spay Guide

WHY SHOULD I NEUTER/SPAY MY BUNNY? It prevents reproduction. It prevents destructive, aggressive and dominant behaviour (makes for easier bonding). It prevents territorial behaviour like urine spraying. It prevents uterine cancer in females (60% or more chance of uterine cancer in unspayed females older than 

Prescription Meds & Your Home Emergency Kit

Prescription Meds & Your Home Emergency Kit

We highly recommend that at you take your bunny to a bunny-savvy vet at the sign of ANY pain or illness. These items will help your bunny pull through until you are able to see the vet. – HOME EMERGENCY KIT Warm water bottles / 

Bunny Basics

Bunny Basics

Food Fresh hay Bunnies should have unlimited access to fresh grass-based hay: Oat hay (most common), teff aka eragrostis, mountain hay, meadow hay, orchard grass & timothy hay. Hay feeder A hay feeder works well to keep buns from urinating on the hay that they 

Habitats & Bunny-proofing

Habitats & Bunny-proofing

PLEASE NOTE: Although we do our best to only recommend bunny-savvy services, we advise each bunny owner personally visit the premises and decide for themselves whether they are satisfied, before booking, or post on our Facebook group to find out if any of the BHSA 

Indoor Buns

Indoor Buns

Setting Up Inside Bunnies make great indoor pets.  They can clean animals and can be litter trained.  You can set up for bunny in either a large cage or play pen in the corner of a room.  The bunny space should include a litter tray, 

What to do if your bunny goes missing

What to do if your bunny goes missing

By Angela Coltman – Edit: First check behind, under and in every conceivable place you could imagine your bunny might get to. Look in cupboards, under garden sheds, in drains, EVERYWHERE on your property. Bunny is possibly stuck somewhere. – Day 1 Inform your neighbours 

Hand-raising Baby Buns

Hand-raising Baby Buns

It is always best to let the bunny mom bun take care of her own kits, however, sometimes kits are separated from their mom and found alone.  Cats often bring in “found” kits. Very young moms (under 6 months) may refuse to feed the kits. 

Adopt a bunny

Adopt a bunny

Bunny Huggers South Africa has a network of foster moms providing safe homes for neglected and abandoned buns.  Unfortunately there are many more buns than bun owners.  This is due to pet shops and backyard breeders breeding bunnies in often terrible conditions. Does can be